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Privacy Statement

This privacy statement provides you, a user of our website, with all the necessary information on how, to what extent, and for which purposes we or third-party providers collect data from you and use it. Your data is collected and used strictly in accordance with the legal guidelines, especially the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the Federal Data Protection Act (new). We feel especially obliged to maintain confidentiality of your personal data and hence we strictly work within the limits set for us by the legal guidelines. If it is possible for us, this personal data is collected on a voluntary basis. Also, we pass on this data to third parties only after getting an explicit approval from you to do so. We ensure a high level of security for the most sensitive data, such as the data used in payment transactions or for the data with regard to your enquiries to us, by using a SSL encryption. However, here we would like to mention the general risks that can occur while using the internet, on which we have no control. Your data is not secure in email correspondence in particular, unless special precautions are taken, and in some cases it can be collected by third parties.

Names and contact details of parties responsible for processing data:
Braunschweiger Flammenfilter GmbH
Dr. Michael Davies, Managing Director
Telephone number +49 5307 / 809-0 
Email address office(at)

The contact details of the data protection officer: 
Kämmer Consulting GmbH
Telephone number: +49 531  /702249-0
Email address: dsb-team(at)

Purpose of processing data

For using our websites, the following data is saved for organisational and technical reasons: the name of websites that you have visited, the browser you use and your operating system, date and time of visit, the search engine used, name of downloaded files and your IP address.

We analyse this technical data anonymously and only for statistical purposes, in order to continue to optimise our online presence and to make our online services even more attractive. This data is stored on secure systems, separate from other personal data. We do not use your data to draw conclusions about you personally.

Processing personal data

We process personal data in the scope of data reduction and data economy, only to the extent and as long as it is required for using our website or to the extent prescribed by law. We care deeply about protecting your personal data and we strictly follow the corresponding legal regulations, as well as this data privacy statement for collecting and processing personal data. If the purpose of collecting data has already been fulfilled, or if the legal storage period is over, the collected data is blocked or deleted. Our website can be used regularly without transferring personal data. If we collect personal data, like your name, your address, or your email address, it is done on a voluntary basis. This data is not disclosed to third parties without getting an explicit approval from you for the same. Please note that in general data is not always transferred safely on the internet. Security cannot be guaranteed for the transfer of data, especially for the data transferred in email correspondence.

The collected data is not used for an automated case-by-case decision making or profiling or scoring.

Your rights as the user

You can get information for free at any time regarding your personal data saved by us, about its origin, its recipients and the purpose of processing data. In addition, you have the right to demand that your data be corrected, blocked or deleted. Exception to this is the data which is stored because of legal guidelines or which is required for doing business properly. To ensure that a data lock can be implemented anytime, data is stored for monitoring purposes in a lock file. If the data is not collected because of a legal archiving obligation, we shall delete your data at your request. If there is an archiving obligation, we shall block your data. For all questions and concerns regarding the correction, blocking or deletion of personal data, please contact our data protection officers using the contact details given in this privacy statement or using the address given in the company details.

If you believe that your rights are not fully respected in the handling of your personal data, you have the right to submit a complaint to the regulatory authority responsible for users.

Contact form

A contact form is available on our webpage for you which can be used for getting electronic contact details. If you fill out the contact form, the data entered in the form is sent to us and processed. This data includes:

  • Your name, your e-mail address, your address, your phone number and your message to us.

When the form is sent, the following data is also saved:

  • Your IP address, date and time of sending the form.

You are referred to this privacy statement before sending your contact request, and you must confirm to us that you have received this information by ticking a box. Alternatively, you can contact us via the given email address. In that case, the personal data of the user sent via email is processed. 

Data is not transferred to third parties in this context. The data is only used for processing the contact request, stored for 30 days and deleted afterwards. The personal data additionally collected during the sending process is deleted at the latest after a period of seven days. Upon receiving a request from you, we shall delete your personal data immediately. But if you request the deletion of personal data processed in the scope of your request (via contact form or email), your request may not be processed any longer.


On our website you find a form for letting us know your interest in online training courses/webinars. When you complete this form, the data you entered in the input mask will be transmitted to us and processed. Before sending the form, you are referred to this privacy statement, and you have to confirm receipt of this information by clicking the box. 
No data from this form will be disclosed to third parties. The data will be used exclusively for processing your inquiry. We will store the data for one year max. in order to collect the information of parties who are interested in the same subject. On expiry of this period the data will be deleted. On your request we will delete your personal data promptly. If you request us to delete your personal data which were processed within the framework of your inquiry, further processing of your inquiry may not be possible any longer. 

When you register for a webinar, we process the data you provide for the preparation, implementation and follow-up of the webinar. The data will be deleted 4 weeks after the seminar has ended.


We use Cookies on our website. These small text files are saved from our server on your PC. Cookies support the display of our website and help you navigate our website. Cookies collect data about your IP address, your browser, your operating system and your internet connection. We do not associate this information with personal data and we do not pass it on to third parties. We do not use Cookies to bring malware or spy programs to your computer. You can use our website even without Cookies, but in that case some displays and functions of our website may work only in a limited way. If you want to deactivate Cookies, you can do that using special settings in your browser. Please use the help function in the browser to be able to make the corresponding settings. You can manage online advertising Cookies using the following links: for the USA, for Europe.

Collecting access data

Providing and displaying the content on our website technically requires us to collect specific data. With your access to our website, these so-called server log files are recorded by us or the provider of the web space. These log files do not allow us to deduce details about you. The corresponding information consists of the name of the website, the file, the current date, the volume of data, the web browser and its version, the operating system used, the domain name of your Internet Provider, the Referrer-URL of the page from where you came to our website, and the corresponding IP address. We use this data for displaying and providing our content and for statistical purposes. The information thus obtained supports us in providing and continuously improving our website. We also have the right to subsequently review the aforementioned data if there is a suspicion of illegal use of our website.

Content and services of third party providers

Our website may also have content, services and resources of other providers who add to our website. Examples of such services are Maps by Google-Maps, YouTube Videos or graphics by third parties. Using these services of third parties regularly necessitates passing on your IP address. In this way, it is possible for these providers to know your user IP address and to save it. We make every effort to ensure that only those third party providers are involved who use the IP addresses only for providing content. However, we have no control over which third party provider saves the IP address. They could save it for example, for statistical purposes. If we receive information about the process of saving data by third party providers, we shall share it with our users immediately. In this context, please see the special privacy statements for individual third party providers and service providers, whose services we use on our website. This information is also given in this privacy statement.


You can register on our website to receive our newsletter. For that, we will need your e-mail address. In addition, in accordance with the corresponding legal guidelines, we must check if the given e-mail address actually belongs to you and if you want to receive the newsletter (Double-Opt-In process). Hence, we collect information that enables us to check this. The data collected in this context is useful for sending and receiving the newsletter. The purpose of collecting data here is different and this data is not passed on to third parties. Apart from the information required for sending the newsletter, no other data is collected from our side. Since sending and receiving the newsletter depends on your consent, you can revoke this consent for collecting and saving your data at any time without giving reasons for it. To do that, use the “Unsubscribe link” given in the newsletter.

SSL Encryption

Our website uses a SSL encryption for transferring confidential or personal data of our users. This encryption is activated for example, for processing a payment transaction and for requests that you send us through our website. Please make sure that the SSL encryption is activated from your side for the aforementioned activities. It is easy to check if a website is encrypted: The URL of the website begins with “https://” instead of “http://”. Data encrypted using SSL cannot be read by third parties. Please transfer your confidential information only when the SSL encryption is active and if you have any doubts please contact us.

Facebook Plugin

On our website there are Plugins of the social network Facebook. It is operated by Facebook Inc., based in USA, California 94025, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park. The Facebook logo or the “Like” button on our website indicates Facebook-Plugins. To get an overview of the Facebook Plugins please see When you visit our website, we directly establish a connection to the Facebook server through the Plugin. Then, through your browser, you are connected to the Facebook server. For Facebook, this shows that you visited our website with your IP address. By clicking on the Facebook “Like” button, you link the content on our website with your profile on Facebook. Facebook can link your visit to our website to your user account. We don’t know which type of content is sent to Facebook and how Facebook uses it. For more information on data collection and data usage, please refer to the privacy statement of Facebook on You can prevent linking your visit to our website with your Facebook profile by simply logging out of your Facebook account before visiting our website.


Our website uses functions of the LinkedIn network. The provider is LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.
Each time one of our pages containing LinkedIn functions is accessed, a connection to LinkedIn servers is established. LinkedIn is informed that you have visited our website with your IP address. If you click the LinkedIn "Recommend" button and are logged into your LinkedIn account, it is possible for LinkedIn to associate your visit to our website with you and your user account. We would like to point out that we, as the provider of the pages, have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by LinkedIn.
The use of the LinkedIn plugin is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. The website operator has a legitimate interest in ensuring the greatest possible visibility in social media.
Further information on this can be found in the "Privacy Policy" of LinkedIn at:

Google AdWords

We use Google AdWords on our website which is an online advertising program by Google Inc.. Conversion tracking is used in it. With this tool, Google AdWords installs a Cookie on your PC if you have visited our website from a Google Ad. The Cookie is not valid after 30 days. It is not used for tracking personal information. If you visit our website as a user, and the Cookie is still working, we and Google know that you have clicked on the corresponding advertisement and have been directed to our website. Here, every Google AdWords customer is assigned a different Cookie. Cookies cannot be tracked through the websites of AdWords customers. Conversion statistics are prepared for AdWords customers with the data obtained from Conversion Cookies. As customers, we get to know the total number of users who reacted to our advertisement and were then directed to a website which had a conversion tracking tag. In this process, we do not get any information with which we could identify you personally as the user. If you reject the tracking process, the Cookie of Google conversion tracking can be deactivated through your internet browser. If required, use the help function in the browser for more information. For more information on the data protection regulations of Google visit

Using Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service by Google Inc, (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “;Google”). The operating mode “Universal Analytics” is used here. That is how it is possible to assign data, sessions and interactions over several devices to a pseudonymous User-ID and thus to analyse the activities of a user across devices.

Google Analytics uses so-called “Cookies”, text files, which are saved on your computer, to enable an analysis of your website activity. The information regarding your activity on this website generated through the Cookie is transferred, as a rule, to a Google server in the USA and saved there. If IP anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address is truncated in advance by Google within Member States of the European Union or in other States party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The full IP address is sent to a Google server in the USA and truncated there only in exceptional cases. The IP address sent from your browser in the scope of Google Analytics is not linked with other data collected by Google. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google shall use this information to analyse your website usage, to compile reports on the website activities, and to provide other services related to website and internet usage to the website operator. Here our legitimate interest also lies in data processing. The legal basis for using Google Analytics is § 15 paragraph 3 TMG (German Telemedia Act) or Art. 6 paragraph 1 lit. f GDPR. The data sent by us and the data connected with Cookies, user names (e.g. User ID) or advertising IDs is deleted automatically after 14 months. The data for which the storage period is over is deleted automatically once a month. More information on terms of use and data protection is given on or on

You can stop the storage of Cookies by making the proper setting in your browser software; however, we would like to point out that after making that setting, it is possible that all the functions of this website cannot be used fully. Furthermore, you can stop the collection of the data generated through the Cookie as well as the data about your usage of the website (incl. Your IP Address) and the processing of this data by Google, by downloading the browser add-on ( and installing it. Opt-Out-Cookies prevent the collection of your data in the future when you visit this website. To prevent the collection by Universal Analytics through various devices, you must make settings for Opt-Out on all the systems that you use. If you click here, the Opt-Out Cookie is installed: disable Google Analytics

This privacy notice is provided on

Google Analytics - Remarketing

We use the Remarketing function of Google Inc. on our website. In this function, together with Google, we present advertisements adapted to our users that interest them. In this process, Cookies are installed on your PC. Cookies are text files that recognise users when they visit websites, thus enabling interest based advertising in the entire Google network. In this context, Google does not collect personal data and according to Google it does not make connections with other Google services. You can block the Remarketing function of Google, by making the relevant settings on Furthermore, the use of Cookies can be deactivated via or by changing the settings in your browser. If necessary, use the Help function of the browser. For more information on Google Remarketing and the general privacy statement of Google, go to:

Google Maps Plugin

We use a Plugin of the internet service Google Maps on our website. Google Maps is operated by Google Inc., based in USA, CA 94043, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View. By using Google Maps on our website, information about your activity on this website and your IP address is sent to a Google server in the USA and it is also saved on that server. We have no knowledge of the exact content of the data transferred, or about its use by Google. In this context, Google states that it does not associate the data with information from other Google services and that it does not collect personal data. However, Google can transfer the information to third parties. If you deactivate Javascript in your browser, you disable the function of Google Maps. Then you cannot use map display on our website. By using our website, you give your consent for the described collection and processing of data by Google Inc.. More information on the data protection regulations and the terms of use for Google Maps is given on:

Twitter Plugin

We use functions of the micro-blogging service Twitter on our website. Twitter is operated by Twitter Inc. The American company is based in USA, San Francisco, CA 94103, 1355 Market St, Suite 900. The main function of Twitter is the “Tweet function”. If you use this function on our website, a link is established to your Twitter account. There could be exchange of data with other users and data could be transferred to Twitter. We are not aware of the content of the data sent to Twitter, or about its use. For more information on this please go to A detailed privacy statement of Twitter is given there. Furthermore, the platform also gives you an option to change your privacy settings by yourself on

Privacy statement for using YouTube

Our website uses Plugins of YouTube, which is owned by Google. YouTube is operated by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. If you visit one of our pages with a YouTube Plugin, a connection is established to the servers of YouTube. The Youtube Server is informed of our website pages visited by you.

If you are logged-in to your YouTube account, you enable YouTube to assign your surfing behaviour directly to your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account.

More information on how the user data is handled is given in the privacy statement of YouTube on


We use the lead generation service provided by Leadinfo B.V., Rotterdam, The Netherlands, which recognizes visits of companies to our website based on IP addresses and shows us related publicly available information, such as company names or addresses. In addition, Leadinfo places two first-party cookies for providing transparency on how our visitors use our website and the tool processes domains from provided form inputs (e.g. “”) to correlate IP addresses with companies and to enhance its services. For additional information, please visit On this page: you have an opt-out option. In the event of an opt-out, your data will no longer be used by Leadinfo.

Links to other websites 

Our website may have links to other websites. We have no influence on the editorial content of external websites, and on whether the operator of the external websites follow the data privacy regulations.

Modifications to this statement

If amendments are made to the conditions of the online privacy statement of Braunschweiger Flammenfilter GmbH, we shall notify you of these amendments. In this way, you can know at any time which data we record online, how it is used and which options are available to you.

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