Nous sommes engagés dans de nombreux projets durables. Nous sommes membre de l'Alliance de l'Initiative pour le développement durable Compétence bleue et nous nous engageons à respecter les douze lignes directrices de l'industrie mécanique en matière de développement durable.
PROTEGO® WV/T change-over valves are mainly used together with other valves or devices (e.g., PROTEGO® flame arresters) on cryogenic storage tanks and on tanks in process plants in the chemical...
EV/VS and EV/VD flame arrester units provide manufacturers of vacuum pumps, blowers and compressors with a cost-effective protection for their machines. The high flow velocities in the small gaps of these machines can...
The PROTEGO® in-line valve DZ/E is a state-of-the-art pressure or vacuum relief valve with a right angle design. Typically, the valve is installed in the in-breathing or out-breathing lines of tanks, vesse...
The PROTEGO® valve VD/KSM-PA is a state-of-the-art pressure and vacuum relief valve with excellent flow performance made of high-grade synthetic material. Typically, the valve is installed in the in-breath...
For many years the PROTEGO® BE/HK end-of-line deflagration flame arrester has been successfully used to protect vessels and process engineering apparatus which are not pressurized. The device provides protection agai...
The PROTEGO® BR/TS-80-IIB3 detonation flame arrester was developed for protecting tankships but can also be used for containers. These devices are especially used on tank ships operating on inland waterway...
PROTEGO® lift-actuated vent valves type AL/DK provide automatic venting of floating roof tanks when the floating roof is lowered onto its supports and the tank is either drained or refilled. When the float...
The PROTEGO® UB/VF diaphragm valve is a worldwide unique vacuum relief valve combining the function of a dynamic and static flame arrester. It is primarily used as a device for flame transmission-proof in-...
The D/SVL type PROTEGO® valve is a high performance pressure relief valve. It is primarily used as a device for relieving pressure in tanks, containers, and process engineering equipment. The valve offers ...
The PROTEGO® FA-E-IIA1 series of in-line deflagration flame arresters is designed with an eccentric housing to automatically drain condensate build up in the housing. The PROTEGO® FA-E-IIA1 in-...