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179 résultats:
51. EH/0S

The PROTEGO® EH/0S vent cap allows vessels which are not pressurized to vent. This device prevents rain and dirt entering the vent line. The PROTEGO® EH/0S vent cap is not flame transmission pr...

52. BE/HR-E-IIB3

The PROTEGO® BE/HR-E-IIB3 end-of-line deflagration flame arrester was specifically developed for vessels which are not pressurized and store Ethanol or other alcohols. The combustion of alcohol requires a ...

53. SV/E

The deflagration-proof SV/E type PROTEGO® valve is a state-of-the-art vacuum relief valve with an integrated flame arrester unit. It is primarily used as a device for flame transmission-proof in-breathing ...

54. P/EL

The P/EL type PROTEGO® valve is a highly developed pressure relief valve. It is primarily used as a device for relieving pressure in tanks, containers and process engineering equipment. The valve protect a...

55. P/EBR-E-IIB1

The deflagration-proof and endurance burning-proof P/EBR-E type PROTEGO® valve is a highly developed pressure relief valve for large flows with an integrated flame arrester unit that is specifically design...

56. ZE/TK

The PROTEGO® ZE/TK condensate drain valve is used for flame transmission-proof condensate drainage of devices or plant equipment (e.g., tanks, pipelines, etc.) where flammable liquids can form condensate a...

57. R/KSM

The PROTEGO® in-line valve R/KSM is a state-of-the-art pressure or vacuum relief valve in a right angle design made out of high-grade synthetic material. Typically, the valve is installed in the in-breathi...

58. D/KSM

The PROTEGO® valve D/KSM is a state-of-the-art pressure relief valve with excellent flow performance made out of high grade synthetic material. It is primarily used as a safety fitting for relieving pressu...

59. DE/S-MK VI - IIB3

The deflagration proof and endurance burning proof PROTEGO® DE/S -MK VI type device is a state of the art high velocity vent valve working on the principle of a dynamic flame arrester. It is primarily use...

60. LDA-F

The PROTEGO® LDA-F series of liquid detonation arresters was developed for storage tanks filling and drain lines that are not continuously filled with product and sometimes contain a combustible mixture. T...

Search results 51 until 60 of 179